Behavioral Concerns Committee
The purpose of the Behavioral Concerns Committee (BCC) is to address the safety and well-being of all students and to promote a safe campus learning environment.
The BCC investigates concerning behaviors, gathers further information from campus resources and works to develop a course of action that will best suit the student’s needs and those of the University community.
Contact the Dean of Students Office at, call 314-977-9378 or submit an incident report at
Report an Incident to the Office of Student Responsibility and Community Standards
If the student displays behaviors that show signs of being a risk to self or others, the incident will be referred to the Behavioral Concerns Committee.
Behaviors can range from physical (appearance changes, bruises, cuts, hygiene, inappropriate interaction with others) to emotional (signs of depression, disorientation, isolation, confused behavior, written expression). When in doubt, contact the Dean of Students Office by email at or by calling 314-977-9378.
View the Full Behavioral Concerns Policy
If You See Something, Say Something
The BCC is not the appropriate referral for issues that require immediate or emergency health care (physical or mental) or police intervention. Student behavior that is perceived to be an immediate threat should be reported to DPS at 314-977-3000 or by calling 911.